A downloadable rpg

Seedless Bloom

A role-playing game of time traveling cultures.

Imagine you build a time machine. Your first one will be a mess, whether it's a car using plutonium fuel, a boiling alchemical cauldron requiring rare ingredients, or a fragile clockwork machine churning steam with levers and switches. The implementation doesn't matter. You can now travel forward and get a better machine, smaller, robust, efficient fuel source. And the farther you travel, the better the machine. Eventually, the best machine you can find will be... you.

You'll weave through spacetime at a whim, nothing peripheral to drag you down. Of course, you're not the only one with a car or a phone. More and more people will have it, wandering and living everywhere in history, forming their own collective. Time travelers are not an exclusive club, private company, or police force.

Time travelers are a Culture, the first and last one before the Descendants.

This free tabletop role-playing game might suit you if you're interested in...

  • ...weaving through space and time at will.
  • ...a serious approach to time travel as a culture.
  • ...learning new ways of thinking about time travel and a new vocabulary that comes with it.
  • ...role-playing the epic exploits of time travelers whose lives are torn between tragedy and hubris.
  • ...setting up the problems and antagonists you're facing.
  • ...a boiling pace sustained by a mechanic using real time.
  • ...playing a narrative, procedural PbtA(Powered By The Apocalypse) game with approachable, directed mechanics that support the above.

For those seeking an example of play, a novel has been adapted from a play-by-post campaign.

The game comes with a free Discord bot to facilitate play.

There is also a Discord community for the game. Note that we only open new invitations as we are able to handle incoming people. Therefore, if the link is not working for you, we might be at full capacity. Try it again later.

The game has been released under a license of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This means anyone may create third-party content as long as they:

  • Give credit and link back to the initial work
  • Inform of changes made
  • Obtain no financial income
  • Release it under the same license

If you enjoy the game and want to see more, please spread the word online and offline.


Seedless Bloom (Google Drive)
Black and White Edition - Printer Friendly (Google Drive)
Seedless Bloom - All Formats(Google Drive)

Development log